A Fruitive Company Blog

Recipe Friday: Green Vanilla Smoothie

green vanilla smoothie - 8th and lake

Happy Recipe Friday!

Today we are featuring the lovely miss Marie, from 8th and Lake! Read on to find out more about her health and wellness journey… and a DELICIOUS green smoothie recipe we can’t wait to try!!!

Hi, and welcome to 8th and lake! My blog has become such a fun way of sharing my food adventure of bringing natural goodness to the center of the plate! My days used to rotate around glazed donuts, peanut-butter cups and Swedish fish – I was a full blown sugar fiend! I never focused on food and only enjoyed its sweet, fleeting satisfaction. I started to become curious about food as someone very close to me suffered from 6 years of unexplained stomach pains. No doctor or gluten-free diet helped the pain. I decided to try something new and delved into nutrition classes and books, exploring the world of food and its intrinsic healing properties. I became infatuated by the simplicity of real foods and came to a realization that plants taste good, like REAL good when marinated in spices and herbs. And not just that, but cashews mixed with dates tastes like caramel sauce – seriously caramel?! Why was not one telling me this?! So everything you see on my blog is just me playing around with plants and other goodies that are great for you and your body. Feeling what I do now when eating this way, full of goodness and energy, I want it to keep going! I hope you do too and that my recipes, on 8th and Lake, are a spring-board for you to live a healthy, happy and full life!

green vanilla smoothie - 8th and lake


Original Recipe: Click HERE

Serves: 2

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 2 minutes

3 big handfuls of spinach or kale
2 bananas (I like mine frozen)
2 small handfuls of oats (same as old fashion oats)
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 cups oat milk (or any nut milk)
1 tablespoon agave or maple syrup
1 teaspoon pure vanilla powder (optional)

Simply place everything into a blender and mix until the spinach or kale has been fully cut and blended. Enjoy!

For more of Marie & 8th and Lake…

Visit her bloginstagram & pinterest pages!

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